Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Here we go........

February 14, 2012
First blog entry.  This is something I have been meaning to do for a while but this is just as good a time of any.  Life is insane crazy.  In the middle of student teaching and attending an international job fair in San Francisco this weekend and apparently if/when they offer you a job you have to the end of the fair, basically 24 hrs, to decide.  Sounds so exciting and what I have been looking forward to since I started on this path.  I wish I could be so spontaneous that I could walk in there without a care in the world and go to the most exotic sounding place with the coolest vibe of the interview but unfortunately that side of me has been slightly stolen by lupus, an auto immune disease which is a disease which seems confused by its own body and decide to fight herself.  At its most serious, this past Christmas, my disease decided to eat her own red blood cells and send me to the emergency room with high fever and severe anemia which was life-threatening enough to send me via helicopter to Reno for the fasted blood transfusion they could get their hands on.  It took four days of being in the ICU in Reno with my cutest Jodaddy waiting on me hand and foot to get me blood.  There is much more to this story and to the previous nine months that I suffered not knowing what was wrong with me but they sent me out of the hospital on a course of drugs that allow me to live a some what normal to some life however my disease dictates a lot of my decisions and as anyone who knows me knows nothing can get in the way of my decisions.   My plan is to start off the blog by writing every day for the next week or so as I get ready for the job fair and attend and see what happens.  If nothing else it is a great experience to get some interviews in and be ready when I am healthy enough.  It kills me I can only accept a job if it is perfect.  What does perfect look like you ask?  It looks like a beach with mountains and jungles and a high school art teaching job at a prestigious school with an awesome package that isn't too far from home.  Right now in my mind the Carol Morgan School in the Dominican Republic seems like my perfect school.  My Doctor thinks the Dominican Republic is far from perfect however we both are interested in the Seoul, South Korea option.  There seems to be so many jobs in Seoul that again would have to perfect.  To be honest I am looking for perfect in most areas of my life....maybe that's my problem...........................

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